Web: A new look & feel coming soon

With fresh, new colors

But, everything else is staying the same

Even though the colors are different, it’s really the same Goodbudget you know and love. Everything is still in the exact same place:

  • All Your Data
  • Your Transactions
  • Your Envelopes
  • Your Accounts
  • Login
  • Add Transaction
  • Fill Envelopes

So you’ll still know where to go to find the things you need.

Look out for the update soon.

Happy budgeting!
– The Goodbudget Team

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12 thoughts on “Web: A new look & feel coming soon”

    • Hi Eric — Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the latest visual update. I’ve noted your feedback about the brightness. Please do let us know at support@goodbudget.com if the new visual design impedes your ability to accomplish specific tasks on the updated site.

  1. I agree with Eric. Bright is being kind. Visually assaulting is what I am sticking with. And the font is also difficult to read. It looks more like a child’s video game than a financial tool.

  2. I must agree with the others about the colors, brightness, and font (I am seeing double …). I liked your previous colors, because they were neutral, subdued, and made the pages look classy.
    Are you following the lead from Salesforce.com as far as coloring and graphics style? Because I have a hard time taking that site seriously with its kindergarten graphics and “Let’s Party” pictures. I use it only because I have to at work. Please don’t go down that path …. 🙁 You might end up losing an important segment of customers for it.

    • Hi Zukeika – Thanks for giving us your feedback. We appreciate you taking the time to let us know what you think! To answer your question, the web update was partly intended to bring our website’s look and feel closer to the mobile apps, which, before the web update, looked much more updated than the previous version of the web. Like Alex said, please do let us know if the new design impacts your ability to use the site. Thanks again

  3. Rather than spending time and energy on new colors, how about adding some additional functionality: specifically a larger selection of reports to slice and dice the data in ways that currently cannot be done?

    • Hi David – Thanks for asking. Like I shared with Zuleika, the web update was intended to make Goodbudget’s look & feel consistent across the three platforms we support (iPhone, Android and the web). Now that that’s rolled out, we will be turning our attention to some new functionality, like iPhone Search, as well as working to develop some cool course material to help folks get started on their budgeting journey. If you’d like, you can check out our Roadmap to stay updated on what we’re working.

      Lastly, if you’re finding you’re missing some functionality with the reports, let us know! Send your feedback to support@goodbudget.com. Thanks again.

  4. I can’t stand the bright colors (bright blue next to bright violet next to bright green). It’s hard on the eyes and very distracting

  5. Strongly agree with other commenters that the colors are way too bright and clashing. Other elements of the redesign are fine but please pick a more subdued and cohesive color palette. This is all over the place with the bright green, bright blue, bright purple and eye-searingly bright red. There are tons of great palettes and palette generators out there. Please listen to everyone’s feedback — I have been literally avoiding the site ever since the redesign.

  6. I am completely agree with the other comments: the colors are too bright. I loved the warmth and sophisticated feel of the old colors. This just hurts my eyes. Please go back to the warm colors, on the app as well!

  7. Hi there,

    Thanks everyone for adding your input over these last few weeks. We really value your feedback and we care about your experience using the Goodbudget website. We hope to make the website usable by as many people as possible.

    While we’re not going to revert back to the old version, we have decided to make some tweaks to the initial color palette. The revised palette still may not be what everyone is looking for, but because we heard critical feedback from a relatively small number of people, we choose to make minor tweaks instead of something more extreme.

    Next time you log in to the web app, you’ll notice a muted color palette. Both the red and purple, which were the colors pointed out most often as too bright, have been swapped out with alternates that are darker and richer. The blue background color has also been altered to make it more grey, and less bright.

    Thanks again for your thoughts, and happy budgeting,


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