
Budget with a why

Thank You

Hi there, I’m writing this note simply to say thanks. This is a season where we spend a great deal of time and energy choosing special gifts to give to our loved ones. In this season, I’m reminded of what

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iPhone: Search for Transactions

You told us this would make budgeting easier Now you can search for transactions on your iPhone. Wondering when you last visited your local coffee shop, or unsure whether or not you entered your last trip to the grocery store? 

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Celebrating Your Budgeting Victories

For Goodbudget’s 10th anniversary A few weeks ago, we asked you to send in stories about your budgeting journey to help us celebrate 10 years of Goodbudget. And WOW! You really delivered. The stories you shared were awe-inspiring, authentic, and

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10 times you made Goodbudget better

With more to come It seems just like yesterday that Goodbudget (then EEBA) made its debut, and it’s crazy to think about just how much Goodbudget has changed since then. When Goodbudget was first launched, it looked very different. Here’s

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We couldn’t have done it without you

Goodbudget turns 10! Here’s to the next 10! We can’t believe 10 years have come and gone! It sure has been an amazing ride, and we can’t thank you enough for allowing us to serve you for all these years.

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  1. A strong philosophy.
    Transform your financial life with the Goodbudget Way.
  2. A time-tested system.
    Goodbudget is based on the envelope budgeting method.
  3. Great budget software.
    Available for the Web, Android, and iPhone. Get started with Goodbudget. Sign up now!

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