EEBA Gets Some Help!


EEBA is now Goodbudget! Goodbudget has all the great features of EEBA (and more!) in a new and updated interface. Check out the Goodbudget Help Center for the most recent help content.


Here at EEBA headquarters, we’re fond of saying that You can keep a budget, EEBA can help.  We say that because we really believe it. You really can keep a budget, and yes, EEBA can help.

But what if you need help using EEBA? Well, we’re proud to announce the opening of our new EEBA Help Site! You can learn more about it below, or just click the link above and dive right in!

Getting Started Guide

Getting Started Guide

Step-by-Step instructions on how to get started with EEBA. Includes screenshot tutorials for Android, iPhone, and the Web!


Support Forums

Have a specific question about how to use EEBA, or want to share your ideas on how to make EEBA even better? Let us know on the Forums.


Blog and FAQ

(You’re here right now!) Keep following this blog to learn about the latest updates to EEBA as well as peruse our excellent FAQs.

And as always you can contact us by email, Monday – Friday, 9am-5pm Pacific Time (GMT -7/8).


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Say hello to Goodbudget

  1. A strong philosophy.
    Transform your financial life with the Goodbudget Way.
  2. A time-tested system.
    Goodbudget is based on the envelope budgeting method.
  3. Great budget software.
    Available for the Web, Android, and iPhone. Get started with Goodbudget. Sign up now!

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