Aw, shucks…EEBA Hits the Top 25 Chart!

Wow, we just don’t know what to say! That is, except one giant THANK YOU.

After only six days in the App Store, you lovely EEBA users pushed our little app up to the Top 200 Free Finance Apps for iPhone. And now, six weeks after her iPhone debut, you’ve made EEBA one of the Top 25 Free Finance Apps! Now that’s what we call EEBA love.

EEBA Hits the Top 25 Free Finance Apps for iPhone!

A special shout-out goes to Brian, Karim, and all our iPhone beta testers for helping us make sure EEBA was in tip-top shape for her launch. EEBA for iPhone wouldn’t exist without your support and enthusiasm!

Got feature requests or bugs? We love to hear from you! Get in touch with us at And of course, keep sharing the EEBA love with all your friends and family!

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