EEBA for iPhone, Better than Ever!

We’ve seen tremendous growth with EEBA for iPhone this past year and it’s all thanks to you, our users, so…

Thank You!

Building off that momentum, we’re bringing more features and more functionality to the iPhone app, making it even better! You can get it here or learn more about what we’ve been working on below.

Edit Accounts, Right in the App

Add Checking or Credit Card Accounts right from your phone. All the power of Accounts on the web, now on your iPhone!

Stay up to Date with Improved Sync

EEBA syncs faster, smarter, and more reliably with this new release.  Pull down on your screen and watch it fly!

Start your Subscription on your Phone

Haven’t checkout out a paid plan with EEBA yet? Now you can start a subscription right from your iPhone.

How to Update EEBA for iPhone

Ready to update EEBA for your phone? Head over to the App Store to download the latest version of EEBA for your iPhone.

Deep thanks to our community for their suggestions and bug reports. You make all this possible, thank you!

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7 thoughts on “EEBA for iPhone, Better than Ever!”

  1. I just discovered this app today. Thank you for being an awesome help. I can easily create budgets and monitor my spending. You guys keep on rocking:)

    Stacie Walker

  2. I know this thread is 2 years old, but I love GB and am switching to a Windows phone soon. Will I be able to use this app with Nokia Lumia 925?


    • Hi Nora – I’m glad you’re enjoying Goodbudget! Currently, we don’t have plans to support Windows phones – you won’t be able to use the app directly on your phone. However, you can always use Goodbudget by logging in through your phone’s web browser. I hope this helps!

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