Goodbudget’s going on TV

Tune in for Envelope Budgeting 101

Need a refresher course on envelope budgeting? Watch our Budgeter-in-Chief, Chi-En Yu, give a brief intro about how it works. Tune in to The Balancing Act airing on Lifetime Television® on Friday, May 13 at 7:30am (ET/PT).

Here’s a sneak peek of the TV set & props:

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See Behind the Scenes

Ever wonder who’s behind Goodbudget? Well, now you can find out! While on set, Chi-En also shared a bit about kids and money, how she got started, and the day-to-day choices we all face. Check out the interview.

behind the brand with play button

Happy budgeting!

– The Goodbudget Team


P.S. We’ve been working on a side project to help folks pay off debt faster. Sign up to hear the latest about our little iPhone debt app.


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    Goodbudget is based on the envelope budgeting method.
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