We cleaned up a bit so you can too

Move multiple transactions at a time on the web

You said it’s a pain to move existing transactions to new Envelopes — you had to move them. One. At. A. Time.

We wanted to make it easier for you to clean up your Household. Now, you can move multiple transactions at the same time with Bulk Edit on the web. (We really should have done this a long time ago…)

Hide Accounts you’re not using on Android

Got a laundry list of Accounts? Now, declutter your Accounts tab by hiding the ones you don’t need. That way, you’ll only see the Accounts you want to see when adding transactions on the go.

Click here to learn how to use Bulk Edit on the web.

Happy budgeting!
– The Goodbudget Team

P.S. We’re launching a podcast in the fall. Stay tuned for more on that.

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