We’ve updated our Terms and Privacy Policy

Your privacy matters to us.

We’re so grateful you choose Goodbudget to be your budgeting service. We know it’s an immense responsibility to keep you and your personal information safe, and it’s not something we take lightly. We want you feel safe when you use our service.

We’ve always taken steps to protect your personal information. For example, we never sell your personally identifiable information to third parties, and we never share it without your consent.

In an effort to be more transparent, and GDPR compliant, we’ve updated our Privacy Policy. One change we’re making, effective May 25, 2018, is that we’ll now remove any personally identifiable information from our records 30 days after you close your Goodbudget Household. That way, you can rest assured knowing that your data won’t be given over to a third party without your consent, even after you stop using Goodbudget.

We’ll also no longer support browsers using TLS 1.0. That helps protect all Goodbudgeters from their data being read by parties that do not have consent to view that data.

If you want to know more about what we do and don’t do with your personal information, and how we work to keep it safe, check out our Privacy Policy.

What this means for you

We recognize that the information you give to us is important, and we work hard to protect you. Here’s how you can protect your own data too: please don’t store personally identifiable information in your Goodbudget Household. Goodbudget doesn’t need to collect your full credit card, debit card, bank account, Social Security, Social Insurance, or Tax File numbers. We also don’t need your bank passwords.

If you want to know more about what kind information is okay to put in Goodbudget, you can see all the details in the Terms.

Thanks again for choosing Goodbudget!

Happy budgeting,
The Goodbudget Team

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