Generosity in a time of COVID

One thing I know to be true about people is that we’re resilient. In times of crisis, we tend to band together and support one another. We find ways to be generous with our time, money and energy to help others who might need it more than we do. I’m so inspired by the acts of generosity I see around me. 

If you’re looking for ways to be generous with the resources you have, here are some awesome stories from people in my sphere that may help to inspire you to think about ways you can give to those in yours.

Lauren, a Goodbudget staff person, shared, 

“Through an organization called Faith in Action, using my resources of organizing experience, tech knowledge and time, I’m co-leading a team of people to reach out to seniors living in our area to ask how they’re doing. We’re also coordinating support so we can get them groceries, supplies and other items they might need.”

Jessica, a friend of Goodbudget, shared an idea she heard. She said, 

“If US citizens get $1,000 per adult in relief money, one of my former teachers was suggesting that those who have stable jobs can give it to a friend or family member who may have lost income due to job loss.

Chi-En, who you may know as Goodbudget’s Budgeter-In-Chief, shared,

“The morning after schools were closed in our area, I headed out to the grocery store and asked my neighbor if they needed anything. She asked me to look for toilet paper. While I didn’t find any at the store, we shared some of what we already had with her family of five.”

Kendall, another friend of Goodbudget, shared with me about her concern for a local jazz piano bar that she frequents since it’s closed due to a shelter-in-place order. 

“I’m setting up GoFundMe with a friend to help support the entertainers and employees there. One of the pianists has been playing piano live online on the nights he normally plays to help keep spirits up. We just want to make sure they’ll be okay during this confusing time.”

It’s clear from these brief stories that are there a multitude of ways we can give to folks in need right now. It can be giving some of your time, some of your skills, or some of your money — get creative! No matter what you choose, there’s someone who is in need right now who would graciously receive your gift. 

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