
Budget with a why

Have EEBA Cake, and Eat It Too!

EEBA baked a cake! Why? To celebrate regaining her 4.5-star rating on Android Market, of course. Thanks to all you loyal Android budgeters who rated the app! A special shout-out to Sarah, whose 5-star rating helped put EEBA over the

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Tailor Your Budget So It Fits Just Right

You followed Steve’s advice for how to make a budget. Then you tracked your expenses in Goodbudget for a month. Or maybe even longer. Great job! So why does it feel like something’s not quite right? Maybe you’ve noticed an

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Don’t Budget Like a Dieter

Spent too much on Christmas shopping? New Year’s Resolution: Spend less! Ate too many holiday sweets and savory treats? New Year’s Resolution: Eat less! But wait… we all know where the belt-tightening road leads. You tell yourself “no, no, no…”

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  2. A time-tested system.
    Goodbudget is based on the envelope budgeting method.
  3. Great budget software.
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