Budgeting with Goodbudget

How to Make a Budget

Take the fear out of budgeting with our step-by-step guide to crafting a budget you can really live with. Step 1. Relax! Before you do anything take a deep breath and relax. . . feel better?

Handle Multiple or Variable Incomes

Keeping track of a single, stable income can be hard enough. For those with more than one income, or an income that varies month to month, things can quickly get more complicated. You aren’t certain

What is Unallocated money?

When you have money that is available to spend, but is not in an Envelope, that money is Unallocated. In this article we’ll go over where Unallocated money comes from and what you can do with

Clear All Your Data to Start Clean

To clear all of your transaction information: 1. Click on the “My Household” link at the top right of the page. 2. Then click on “Clear All My Data” on the left. 3. Finally, click

Set Goals and Track Your Progress with More Envelopes

Whether it’s your property taxes, a summer vacation, or your Holiday spending, we all have expenses that seem to creep up on us through the year. Don’t be surprised by these predictable expenses! Instead, set

How do I change my password?

If you forgot your password, just enter your email address on the Forgot Password page and we’ll send you an email with a link to reset your password. If you’re already logged in, you can change your

Tracking Credits / Refunds

We recommend recording refunds or reimbursements as Credit instead of incomes. That way, your spending reports reflect what you really spent yourself, not what you spent, but were later paid back for. You can do that by entering a

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