Import your recent transaction information to make sure Goodbudget is
up to date. You can import QFX (Quicken) and OFX (MS Money) files, as well as CSV files for advanced users. Importing allows you to create new transactions from the file you upload, or match the transactions in the file to your existing transactions that you’ve already recorded in Goodbudget.
Goodbudget allows you to import transactions to your Checking, Savings, Cash and Credit Card Accounts. You cannot import transactions into Debt Accounts or import to create Debt Payment transactions, but you can match a payment in your file to an existing debt payment transaction.
Get Ready to Import
Head to your bank’s website and download your “recent activity.” This is often not the same as your bank statement. When asked, choose one of the following file formats:
- QFX (Quicken, Web Connect)
- OFX (MS Money, Open Financial Exchange)
Note that you do not need to open the file on your desktop. You just need to remember where it’s saved so that you can find it when you upload it to Goodbudget.
Import Your Bank Activity
Click on an Account, then click on “Import bank transactions” to begin.

On the next page click on “Choose File” to select the file you want to upload, then, click on “Upload Transactions.”

On the next page choose which bank account and corresponding Account in Goodbudget you want to use, then click “Begin Import.” If you’re on the free version of Goodbudget with just one Account, you may want to import all of your transactions into that one Account.

Review & Save Your Import
On the review page, all your bank’s transactions will be on the left, and all of your manually entered transactions will be on the right. Goodbudget will match similar transactions in green (exact matches), or yellow (best-guess matches). Unmatched transactions will be in grey.

Review the matches to make sure they’re correct. You can cancel a match by clicking on the “X” in the middle column.
- To manually match two transactions, drag and drop the imported transaction over the manually-entered transaction you want to match it with.
- To create a new transaction, drag the imported transaction over one of the Envelopes shown at the bottom of the page.
“Manually Created” transactions will be in blue.

Once you’re done, click on “Save Changes” at the bottom right of the screen.
Congratulations, you just imported your bank statement!