
For more details about our upcoming plans, check out our roadmap

Web Release 5.3 (9-September-2024)

  • Separate WordPress

Web Release 5.21 (17-July-2024)

  • Fixed

Web Release 3.20 (2-December-2020)

  • Adjusted visual design of CAPTCHA on signup page.
  • Fixed: Finishing a Reconciliation will show the Accounts tab on the home screen, not the Envelopes tab.

iOS Release 3.2.1 (2-December-2020)

  • Fixed: An issue causing various crashing issues

Web Release hotfix (24-November-2020)

  • Added: CAPTCHA to signup page

Web Release 3.19 (10-November-2020)

  • Adjusted the Reconciliation transaction limit warning message
  • Fixed: Formatting issues on the subscription information page
  • Added: Column for Check # on CSV Exports

Web Release 3.18 (05-November-2020)

  • Added: Page in Household Preferences that allows for easy management of Goodbudget email list subscriptions
  • Added: Alert that warns if the listed Reconciliation has too many transactions
  • Fixed: Formatting issues on the signup and login pages
  • Fixed: Editing a Reconciled Fill from New Income changes status to un-Reconciled

iPhone Release 3.2 (04-November-2020)

  • Fixed: Bug causing the Schedule button to be overwritten by the Sweep button on some Income transactions

Web Release 3.17 (28-October-2020)

  • Fixed: Transactions list scrolls back to the top when (non-Fill) transactions are viewed edited.
  • Fixed: Reconcile Transactions list scrolls back to the top when (non-Fill) transactions are viewed edited.

iPhone Release 3.1.2 (06-October-2020)

  • Fixed: Date picker shows incorrectly on iOS 14
  • Fixed: Phones register as new devices daily on iOS 14

iPhone Release 3.1 (28-September-2020)

  • Added: Alerts that appear when new Envelopes are created
  • Fixed: Bug preventing Interest rates between 4.1 and 4.19

Web Release 3.14 (28-September-2020)

  • Added: Button to select-all or unselect-all transactions on Reconciliation page
  • Fixed: Colour of buttons on certain popups was hard to read
  • Added: Some validation to check against common email address misspellings on signup

Android Release 2.12 (19-August-2020)

  • Added: Notes can now be created, viewed, and edited on Envelope / Account Transfers
  • Fixed: Reports do not show transactions associated with deleted Envelopes / Accounts
  • Fixed: All Envelopes amount does not include Unallocated

iPhone Release 3.0.1 (17-August-2020)

  • Fixed: Bug causes certain households to experience crashing after syncing Envelopes

iPhone Release 3.0 (10-August-2020)

  • Added: Debt Accounts can now be added, edited, and deleted from the app
  • Fixed: Miscellaneous Debt-related bugs

Web Release 3.12.1 (21-July-2020)

  • Fixed: Some scheduled transactions do not post automatically on scheduled date
  • Fixed: Some Google Play subscriptions show as cancelled when they aren’t cancelled

Web Release 3.11 (30-June-2020)

  • Fixed: Some links to Help Center pages on Web app are broken

iPhone Release 2.8 (02-June-2020)

  • Added: Debt Payment transaction type
  • Added: Interest, Fee, or New Charge transaction type
  • Fixed: Account Transfers can be created even if Accounts are turned off

Android Release 2.11 (27-May-2020)

  • Software updates and Google Play requirements
  • Fixed: Pending transactions with positive amounts do not show green-colored text

iPhone Release 2.7 (11-May-2020)

  • Added: Debt Progress Report
  • Fixed: Pending transactions with positive amounts do not show green text
  • Fixed: Incomes with decimal amounts round down to nearest whole number on Regions using the comma decimal separator

Web Release 3.6.2 (23-March-2020)

  • Fixed: An issue with recurring subscriptions

Web Release 3.6 (12-March-2020)

  • Fixed: Some due dates on Every 2 Weeks Envelopes cannot be chosen for households on Weekly budget periods

iPhone Release 2.6 (19-February-2020)

  • Added: New Dark Mode theme

Web Release 3.4.1 (18-February-2020)

  • Fixed: Text entered in search bar is white-on-white and hard to read

Web Release 3.4 (13-February-2020)

  • Added: Attachment field to Priority Support form
  • Fixed: Adding or editing transactions while Reconciling an Account randomly un-Clears other transactions
  • Fixed: Changing Budget Period to Every 2 Weeks on the Web shows wrong information in date picker
  • Fixed: Every 2 Weeks Budget Period shows the wrong ahead/behind Envelope information
  • Fixed: Fill suggestions for Annual/Goal Envelopes with Due Dates are incorrect for Households using the dd/mm date format and the Every 2 Weeks Budget Period

iPhone Release 2.5.1 (11-February-2020)

  • Fixed: Can’t edit Payee for posted Expense/Credit transactions

Web Release 3.3.10 (10-February-2020)

  • Fixed: Transfer transactions incorrectly show money moving in the wrong direction in the all transactions view

iPhone Release 2.5 (28-January-2020)

  • One button to add transactions: all transactions (Expenses/Credits, Incomes, Fills, and Transfers) are now added through the Add Transaction button rather than through the More tab
  • Added: Notes field on Envelope/Account Transfers
  • Fixed: Reports background shows as black, obscuring some information
  • Fixed: Minor crashing and syncing issues

iPhone Release 2.4.1 (15-January-2020)

  • Fixed: Save location toggle would show even for transactions without saved location data
  • Fixed: Some cases where location data was being saved even if set to not save

Web Release 3.3.6 (11-December-2019)

  • Fixed: Certain Transfer transactions post with name “null”
  • Fixed: Reset password page validates username, preventing users who set their usernames under the old rules from resetting their passwords

Web Release 3.3.5 (05-December-2019)

  • Minor security update

iPhone Release 2.4 (13-November-2019)

  • Added transaction search feature. Transactions can be searched by input of amount/keyword, as well as by using filters for Envelope, Account, and/or Date.

iPhone Release 2.3 (22-October-2019)

  • Facelift to iPhone app

Web Release 3.3.4 (21-October-2019)

  • Updated Reports to match updated colour scheme
  • Improved performance of signup page

Android Release 2.10.1 (10-October-2019)

  • Fixed: Transactions made while not connected to the internet only sync one at a time when reconnected

Web Release 3.3.3 (30-September-2019)

  • Updated webapp facelift with muted colour scheme
  • Fixed: Postpone button on Reconcile screen is hard to see
  • Fixed: Mascot images in the gallery cards appear blurry
  • Fixed: Login button doesn’t lead to homepage even when user is already logged in
  • Fixed: Transfers show the selected Envelope / Account rather than the other involved Envelope / Account in transactions list when an Envelope / Account is selected

iPhone Release (23-September-2019)

  •  iOS 13 compatibility

Web Release 3.3.2 (16-September-2019)

  •  Changed settings to to improve website performance

Web Release 3.3.1 (6-September-2019)

  •  Wordpress security update

Android Release 2.10 (7-August-2019)

  •  Fixed: App would prompt to add location to transactions even if location preference setting is turned off

Web Release 3.3 (5-August-2019)

  • Facelift to website and webapp design
  • Updated format and content of Scheduled transaction reminder emails
  • Fixed: Issue where subscription payments would go through without prompting confirmation email or updating Payment History page

Web Release 3.2.6 (17-July-2019)

  • Fixed: Household username and display name can be saved as blank

Android Release 2.8.7 (12-June-2019)

  • Fixed: Annual/Goal Envelopes cannot be reordered properly
  • Fixed: App crashes when subscription details help page is accessed without an internet connection

Web Release 3.2.5 (30-May-2019)

  • Fixed: Mobile apps did not sync after simultaneous deletion of large amounts of Envelopes

Web Release 3.2.4 (20-May-2019)

  • Fixed: Debt Progress Report incorrectly shows Debt Accounts whose names begin with “0”
  • Small text and icon changes

Web Release 3.2.3 (14-May-2019)

  • Security patch

iPhone Release 2.1.6 (8-May-2019)

  • Fixed: Debt Balance Envelope displays as linked to Debt Account balance adjustment transactions

Android Release 2.8.6 (8-May-2019)

  • Fixed: Miscellaneous crashing issues
  • Fixed: Issues where the same phone connected to a household as more than one device

Web Release 3.2.1 (30-Apr-2019)

  • Fixed: pending Debt Charges do not appear on the Scheduled Transactions page
  • Fixed: three transaction lines appear for each Transfer
  • Fixed: updating Checking, Savings, or Cash Account balance when also deleting a Debt Account causes Envelope/Account mismatch

Web Release 3.2 (24-Apr-2019)

  • Added: Notes field on Envelope Transfers, Account Transfers, Account Adjustments, Debt Account Adjustments on Web

Web Release 3.1 (16-Apr-2019)

  • Debt tracking on Web: full release
  • Fixed: Spending by Payee Report double counts transactions split over multiple Envelopes

Web Release 2.0.24, 3.0.24 (3-Apr-2019)

  • Re-enabled editing / deleting of the Creation transaction for deleted Debt Accounts
  • Fixed: Clearing Debt Adjustments for deleted Debt Accounts causes money to appear in Unallocated
  • Fixed: Clearing Debt Payments for deleted Debt Accounts through the advanced search causes money to appear in Unallocated
  • Fixed: Deleted Debt Accounts show in the Debt Progress Report even when no transactions are visible
  • Fixed: Clearing the creation transaction for a deleted Debt Account causes the Debt Progress Report to incorrectly report debt payoff

Web Release 3.0.22 (11-Mar-2019)

  • Fixed: Debt Account max balance calculates incorrectly when the creation transaction is Cleared

Web Release 3.0.20 (4-Mar-2019)

  • Fixed: Clearing the creation transaction for a deleted Debt Account causes money to appear in Unallocated

iPhone Release 2.1.5 (26-Feb-2019)

  • Fixed: Reset password email links to login screen rather than password reset screen
  • Fixed: Debt Payment transactions are associated with Debt Balance Envelope not Debt Payment Envelope

Web Release 2.17.19, 3.0.19 (26-Feb-2019)

  • Fixed: Home screen loads indefinitely when registering new household
  • Fixed: Reconciling Debt Payment in Asset Account also Reconciles it in Debt Account
  • Fixed: Debt Balance Envelopes appear under Goal Envelopes header when using Envelope groups
  • Fixed: Debt Account max balance does not calculate correctly

Android Release 2.8.5 (26-Feb-2019)

  • Fixed: Tapping “View on web” on Debt Payment transaction does not open transaction in mobile web

iPhone Release (20-Feb-2019)

  • Fixed: Choosing today’s date as the start of the date range hides today’s transactions from Reports

Web Release 2.17.17, 3.0.17 (13-Feb-2019)

  • Debt functionality

Web Release 2.17.15, 3.0.15 (28-Jan-2019)

  • Added: New prompts when deleting Debt Accounts and Debt Payment Envelopes
  • Fixed: Advanced Search for Accounts does not correctly filter only the chosen Account

Android Release 2.8.2 (15-Jan-2019)

  • Fixed: Fill Envelopes calculation for Debt Payment Envelopes is incorrect when using a non-monthly budget period
  • Fixed: Pending Debt Payment transactions do not appear in the envelope/account detail view

iPhone Release (14-Jan-2019)

  • Fixed: Fill Envelopes calculation for Debt Payment Envelopes is incorrect when using a non-monthly budget period
  • Fixed: Pending Debt Payment transactions do not appear in the envelope/account detail view
  • Fixed: Tapping “View on web” on Debt Payment transaction does not open transaction in mobile web

Web Release 2.17.14, 3.0.14 (09-Jan-2019)

  • Fixed: Syncing bugs

Web Release 2.17.13, 3.0.13 (19-Dec-2018)

  • Fixed: Fill Envelopes calculation for Debt Payment Envelopes is incorrect when using a non-monthly budget period on Web
  • Fixed: Debt Account maximum balance calculation does not adjust properly when Debt Charges are edited or deleted

Web Release 2.17.12, 3.0.12 (12-Dec-2018)

  • Fixed: Buttons for updating or renewing subscriptions were not linking to the correct pages

Web Release 2.17.11, 3.0.11 (05-Dec-2018)

  • Fixed: Asset accounts do not correctly report cleared balance that includes cleared debt payment transactions with interest
  • Fixed: Debt accounts do not correctly report interest paid from debt payment transactions cleared in asset accounts

iPhone Release 2.1.1 (19-Nov-2018)

  • Debt compatibility

Web Release 2.17.10, 3.0.10 (14-Nov-2018)

  • Fixed: Editing debt account creation transaction changes balance of Unallocated
  • Fixed: Debt Progress Report shows incorrect date range
  • Fixed: Pending debt payment amounts on mobile are listed as 0.00 in the envelope/account detail view
  • Fixed: Debt payment envelopes can be deleted on iOS

Web Release 2.17.9, 3.0.9 (18-Oct-2018)

  • Fixed: Fill Envelopes “Set all” function does not include Debt Payment Envelopes
  • Fixed: Add/Edit Envelopes calculation is wrong when primary period is on Every 2 Weeks or Semi-Monthly

Web Release 2.17.8, 3.0.8 (11-Oct-2018)

  • Fixed: Syncing on devices with old versions of Goodbudget app when debt accounts are created

Web Release 2.17.7, 3.0.7 (10-Oct-2018)

  • Fixed: Debt bug fixes
  • Fixed: Syncing bugs

Web Release 2.17.6, 3.0.6 (10-Oct-2018)

  • Fixed: Debt bug fixes
  • Fixed: Syncing bugs

Web Release 2.17.5, 3.0.5 (27-Sep-2018)

  • Fixed: Debt bug fixes

Android Release 2.8.1 (27-Sep-2018)

  • Fixed: Crashing when app is launched

Android Release 2.8 (29-Aug-2018)

  • Debt compatibility

iPhone Release (24-Aug-2018)

  • Debt compatibility

Android Release 2.7.1 (22-Aug-2018)

  • Fixed: Crashing on OS below 5.0

Web Release 3.0 (21-Aug-2018)

  • Debt functionality
  • Debt tracking on Web: Began phased release

Android Release 2.7 (20-Aug-2018)

  • Location Permissions update
  • Fixed: Widget crash

iPhone Release 2.0 (18-Jul-2018)

  • iPhone X compatibility
  • Force Touch to Add Transaction
  • Fixed: Crashing on Transactions tab if you don’t have any posted transactions

Android Release 2.6.5 (9-Jul-2018)

  • Bug fixes

Web Release 2.14.3 (2-May-2018)

  • Disabled TLS 1.0

Web Release 2.14.2 (2-May-2018)

  • Fixed: Advanced search Date display bug

Web Release 2.14.1 (24-Apr-2018)

  • Fixed: Apple subscription updates

Web Release 2.14 (4-Apr-2018)

  • Fixed: Deleted envelopes and accounts show up in reports, can filter by deleted envelopes and accounts

Web Release 2.13.4 (16-Feb-2018)

  • Added: Refreshed look and feel of web app

iPhone Release 1.7.5 (10-Nov-2017)

  • Added: In-App Purchase update
  • Fixed: pending transactions messaging, crashing bugs

iPhone Release 1.7.4 (1-Nov-2017)

  • Added: App Store Video

iPhone Release (18-Oct-2017)

  • Fixed: Crashing bug for users in non-US regions
  • Fixed: Crashing on More tab
  • Fixed: Sync bug

iPhone Release 1.7.2 (19-Sep-2017)

  • Added: New app icon
  • Fixed: Crashing bug

iPhone Release 1.7 (19-Sep-2017)

  • Added: Visual update
  • Added: Optimized for iOS 11

Web Release 2.11.1 (24-Aug-2017)

  • Fixed: Pending transactions will post faster

Android Release 2.6.4 (20-Jul-2017)

  • Fixed: Crashing bugs

Web Release 2.11 (19-Jun-2017)

  • Added: Bulk edit transactions

Android Release 2.6.3 (26-May-2017)

  • Fixed: Subscription error when household isn’t registered

Android Release 2.6.1 (11-May-2017)

  • Added: Support taller screens

Android Release 2.6 (6-Apr-2017)

  • Added: Add, edit, hide, reorder Accounts
  • Added: Recurring payments through Google Play

Web Release 2.10 (6-Apr-2017)

  • Added: Android 2.6 in-app billing compatibility

Web Release 2.9.1 (8-Mar-2017)

  • Added: Don’t post pending transactions or send Reminder emails to inactive users
  • Fixed: Reminder emails are sent to all users that are opted in
  • Fixed: Some scheduled transactions didn’t post due to deadlock error

Web Release 2.9 (8-Feb-2017)

  • Added: Post pending transactions according to time zone
  • Fixed: Fills and Splits don’t save correctly
  • Fixed: Export CSV filtering transactions using DD/MM/YYYY format
  • Fixed: Reordering More Envelopes bug
  • Fixed: Edit date for Account adjustments

Web Release 2.8 (16-Dec-2016)

  • Update: Scheduled chron update
  • Fixed: Javascript error when special characters are used in Fills from Unallocated
  • Fixed: Can’t edit Fills from New Income when sweep is not Unallocated

Web Release 2.8 (7-Dec-2016)

  • Fixed: Scheduled fill amounts – “Add Budget amount of 0.00” distinguished from “Add 0.00 (No Change)”
  • Fixed: Splits and Fills no longer create running balance errors
  • Added: Text updates in emails

Web Release 2.7 (15-Nov-2016)

  • Fixed: Exceeded device limit bug

iPhone Release (2-Nov-2016)

  • Fixed: Update budget period when saved through iOS app

iPhone Release (24-Oct-2016)

  • Added: Scheduled transactions
  • Added: Updated colors, progress bar styling, font
  • Added: Email-only sign up, no longer need to create a unique username

Web Release 2.7.1 (8-Sep-2016)

  • Fixed: Show details for pre-existing scheduled transactions on Android

Android Release 2.5 (2-Sep-2016)

  • Added: Scheduled transactions

Web Release 2.7 (1-Sep-2016)

  • Fixed: Reports can be printed without extra URL text
  • Fixed: Annuals & Goals without due dates now show “Saved so far” and “Spent”
  • Fixed: Scheduled Fills now fill all desired Envelopes
  • Added: Manage Notifications on one page for all Scheduled transactions

Web Release 2.6.9 (18-Mar-2016)

  • Fixed: Bugs related to saving changes on the Add/Edit Envelope page

Web Release 2.6.8 (16-Mar-2016)

  • Added: Individual Envelope Periods: Have some weekly Envelopes, others that are monthly, etc

Android Release 2.4.3, Web Release 2.6.7 (9-Dec-2015)

  • Added: Email-only sign up, no longer need to create a unique username
  • Added: Login with Household username or email address

Web Release 2.6.7 (23-Oct-2015)

  • Fixed: No longer sending scheduled income reminder emails to users that didn’t request them
  • Updated: Archive audit tables

Android Release 2.4.2 (15-Oct-2015)

  • Added: Spending Report and Income Report
  • Added: Material Design visual update, Floating Action Button
  • Fixed: Android toasts show sad toast when adding transaction to liability account
  • Fixed: Credit Card Account balances with credits show up as negative amounts in drop down menus, but they should be positive

iPhone Release 1.5.4 (30-Sept-2015)

  • Added: Reports Overview screen
  • Added: Optimization for iPhone 6/6 Plus
  • Added: Built with iOS 8 SDK and includes 64-bit support
  • Updated: Tab icons images
  • Fixed: Add Money will auto-fill Account if there’s only one
  • Fixed: Account will no longer show up in the Envelope field when splitting a transaction to multiple Envelopes

Web Release 2.6.6 (31-Jul-2015)

  • Added: Desk email signature images
  • Added: Phone number to Priority Support
  • Fixed: Shorten footer
  • Fixed: Add/Edit Envelopes “Group Envelopes” link broken

Android Release 2.3.1 (26-Jun-2015)

  • Fixed: Envelope overview Monthly total calculation
  • Fixed: Unallocated is updated to new budget period
  • Fixed: Reduce Envelope Overview loading time so scrolling is less sticky

Android Release 2.3 (22-Jun-2015)

  • Added: Goal Envelopes support
  • Added: Give Goal and Annual Envelopes due dates
  • Added: New fill calculation for envelopes with due dates
  • Added: Show Unallocated as a sweep option when editing Fill from New Income

Web Release 2.6.2 (13-May-2015)

  • Fixed: Advanced Search – rewrite transaction query to use named parameters
  • Fixed: Receive Priority support emails

Web Release 2.6.1 (8-May-2015)

  • Added: Show more Envelopes, move Add Transaction and Fill Buttons to header
  • Added: Show check number in Transaction history
  • Fixed: Added Transaction module fixed to page – Save button visible by scrolling down
  • Fixed: Import – can drag transaction to scroll and match to a transaction that was off screen
  • Fixed: Import CSV supports DD-MMM-YY format
  • Fixed: Reports and Advance search correctly filters for transactions using DD/MM/YYYY format
  • Fixed: Allow split transactions when Envelope names have apostrophes

Web Release 2.6 (28-Apr-2015)

  • Database Migration
  • Added: link to Twitter on Maintenance page
  • Fixed: Envelope Detail gallery card math

Web Release (20-Apr-2015)

  • Retire EEBA website

Web Release 2.5.1 (18-Feb-2015)

  • Added: Wordpress plugin
  • Fixed: “Export all” option in EEBA now includes current balances and export date

Web Release 2.5 (12-Feb-2015)

  • Added: Stripe integration
  • Added: “Export all” option in EEBA
  • Fixed: Don’t allow saving new Account with no name/amount

Web Release 2.4.4 (8-Jan-2015)

  • Added: Envelope Balances Report
  • Fixed: Export CSV shows correct split amounts
  • Fixed: Monthly budget is no longer always the 1st on mobile after syncing
  • Fixed: Notes saved in Fills
  • Fixed: Must create an Account to save

Web Release 2.4.3 (4-Dec-2014)

  • Added: Schedule “Once” option
  • Added: Rate prompter rules
  • Fixed: Future dated transactions post immediately
  • Fixed: Mobile app no longer crashes when budget period is semi-monthly

Android Release 2.2 (4-Dec-2014)

  • Added: Spanish support
  • Fixed: Manage Household on Web link
  • Fixed: Unallocated running balance
  • Fixed: Change email updates opt-in text

Web Release 2.4.2 (3-Dec-2014)

  • Added: Upgrade Elegant Builder

Web Release 2.4.1 (25-Nov-2014)

  • Fixed: Envelope Detail Gallery Card math
  • Fixed: Suggested budget amount for Goal Envelopes with no due dates
  • Fixed: Messaging in EEBA blocking active fields

Web Release 2.4 (20-Nov-2014)

  • Added: Annual Envelopes with due dates
  • Added: Goal Envelopes
  • Added: Re-organized Fill Envelopes page
  • Fixed: Link to User Guide on Priority Support page

iPhone Release: 1.4.1 (13-Oct-2014)

  • Added: Spending and Income vs Spending reports
  • Added: Visual update
  • Added: If only 1 Account, pre-select it
  • Fixed: “My Account” no longer in date field when Accounts are off

Web Release: 2.3.1 (27-Aug-2014)

  • Fixed: Incomes now handled correctly in reconciles

Web Release: 2.3 (19-Aug-2014)

  • Added: Remembered refills
  • Added: Pending transactions improvements
  • Fixed: Updating a subscription no longer cancels existing subscription first
  • Fixed: Support for >99 Envelopes for paid users
  • Fixed: Many, many, bug fixes.

Android Release: 2.1 (11-Aug-2014)

  • Added: Holo Dark theme option

Android Release: 2.0 (30-Jul-2014)

  • Added: Redesigned app for Android 4.x

iPhone Release: 1.3.5 (24-Jun-2014)

  • Fixed: Rate Prompter link for iOS7

Web Release: 2.2.2 (10-Jun-2014)

  • Fixed: Import CSV fixes
  • Fixed: Forgot password email for iOS now includes username

iPhone Release: 1.3.4 (13-May-2014)

  • Fixed: Account adjustments now display correctly
  • Fixed: Performance and stability improvements

Android Release: 1.9 (7-May-2014)

  • Added: More accessible subscribe options
  • Fixed: Deleting a transaction before it has synced now behaves correctly
  • Fixed: Starting a new household now works more reliably

Web Release: 2.2.0 (15-Apr-2014)

  • Added: Spending by Payee report
  • Added: Budget Allocation report
  • Added: Support for Envelope Groups in Spending by Month report

iPhone Release: 1.3.3 (20-Feb-2014)

  • Fixed: Manage Household link fixed

Web Release: 2.1.0 (13-Feb-2014)

  • Added: Updates to Plans and Signup pages
  • Fixed: Editing specify incomes no longer changes sweep envelope
  • Fixed: Editing transactions no longer triggers auto-suggest

Web Release: 2.0.5 (6-Feb-2014)

  • Added: “Save and New” option when recording transactions
  • Added: “Run Now” button for pending transactions
  • Fixed: Editing pending transfers now works correctly
  • Fixed: Changed references of EEBA to Goodbudget
  • Fixed: Users who start on mobile can opt in to email notifications
  • Fixed: Editing Account Adjustments now works correctly

iPhone Release: 1.3.2 (6-Feb-2014)

  • Added: New households now receive one free account
  • Fixed: Stability and performance improvements

Web Release: 2.0.4 (20-Dec-2013)

  • Added: Specify incomes
  • Fixed: Reminder emails now sent correctly
  • Fixed: Edit Accounts page no longer lets users have accounts on with no accounts
  • Fixed: Scheduled transactions now delete correctly

Web Release: 2.0.3 (10-Dec-2013)

  • Added: Download as CSV option for transaction history
  • Fixed: Forgot Password email bug fixed
  • Fixed: Switching tabs mid-transaction entry now works correctly

Web Release: 2.0.2 (3-Dec-2013)

  • Fixed: Scheduled transactions now post more reliably
  • Fixed: Search box now supports apostrophes
  • Fixed: Improved browser compatibility of add transaction window
  • Fixed: Updated text to Goodbudget branding
  • Fixed: Server-side sync improvements

Web Release: 2.0.0 (14-Nov-2013)

  • Added: Launch of site

Android Release: 1.8 (13-Nov-2013)

  • Added: Goodbudget branding

iPhone Release: 1.3.1 (12-Nov-2013)

  • Added: Goodbudget branding
  • Fixed: Misc layout issues

iPhone Release: 1.3 (23-Sep-2013)

  • Added: Support for 4″ displays
  • Added: Support for iOS 7

iPhone Release: 1.2.2 (25-Mar-2013)

  • Added: Support for new plan levels and free Accounts

Web Release: 1.16.10 (13-Nov-2012)

  • Added: Acknowledgement when users activate Accounts feature
  • Fixed: Unintended logout while using web app
  • Fixed: Scheduled transactions list now sorts by next run date
  • Fixed: Expense Breakdown report now sorts properly in all circumstances

Android Release: (7-Nov-2012)

  • Fixed: Display performance increase on Transaction History screen.

Android Release: 1.7.2 (18-Apr-2012)

  • Fixed: Decimal comma bug on Add Money and Distribute screens

Android Release: 1.7.1 (4-Apr-2012)

  • Fixed: Date order on Add Money and Distribute screens

Android Release: 1.7 (2-Apr-2012)

  • Added: See, add, and distribute Unallocated Money
  • Added: Custom start dates for semi-monthly and bi-weekly budget periods
  • Added: Easier setup flow for new users
  • Changed: Add, edit, and reorder Envelopes in one place

Web Release: 1.16.9 (28-Mar-2012)

  • Added: Custom start dates for semi-monthly and bi-weekly budget periods
  • Fixed: Faster loading pages within web app

Android Release: 1.6.4 (15-Feb-2012)

  • Fixed: Display of envelope bars on 4.0.x (Ice Cream Sandwich)

Web Release: 1.16.8 (11-Jan-2012)

  • Fixed: Faster loading home page
  • Added: Auto-suggest Envelopes for imported Transactions
  • Added: Better support for editing transactions on deleted Accounts

Android Release: 1.6.3 (21-Dec-2011)

  • Added: Forgot password support
  • Fixed: Display of envelope transfers, split transactions

Web Release: W1.16.7 (7-Dec-2011)

  • Fixed: Edit Scheduled Account and Envelope Transfers
  • Added: HTML emails for password reset
  • Added: Support for affiliate referrals

iPhone Release: iOS1.1.1, 1.1.2 (6-Dec-2011)

  • Fixed: Crash bug for users on iOS4.x

iPhone Release: iOS1.1 (20-Nov-2011)

  • Added: Faster transaction entry, including auto-suggest Envelope and Account
  • Added: In-app registration
  • Added: Easier budget creation and editing
  • Added: Animated progress bars
  • Added: Automatic login to mobile website
  • Added: Forgot password support

Web Release: W1.16.6 (17-Nov-2011)

  • Fixed: Optimized forms, tables, and charts for mobile Web
  • Fixed: Better import matching logic
  • Fixed: Better payment processing (back end)

iPhone Release: iOS1.0.1 (26-Oct-2011)

  • Envelopes Overview
  • Transaction History
  • Variety of ways to fund Envelopes
  • Proper Unallocated Money handling

Web Release: W1.16.5 (26-Oct-2011)

  • Added: Help Site – Getting Started Guide, How To Videos
  • Added: Better navigation in fat footer
  • Added: Images and information about iPhone app

Web Release: W1.16.3 (16-Sep-2011)

  • Bugfix: Remembered refill drop-down was not tap-able in some mobile browsers
  • Bugfix: Import CSV handles complex date, amount, and currency formats (Plus/Premium)

Device Release:,

  • Fixed: In some cases, background process didn’t shut down after sync
  • Fixed: Display amount of distribution from unallocated

Web Release: W1.16.2 (08-Sep-2011)

  • Bugfix: Envelope Balances Report cuts off at midnight
  • Bugfix: Unallocated Money adjustments for envelopes deleted on device
  • Bugfix: Import OFX 2.0 (Plus/Premium)

Web Release: W1.16.1 (01-Sep-2011)

  • Bugfix: Payee auto-fill ignores deleted transactions
  • Added: Login error message for users with cookies turned off
  • Bugfix: Import OFC, semicolon-separated CSV; in rare cases, drag-and-drop froze on some versions of IE (Plus/Premium)
  • Bugfix: Reminder emails show account balances, transaction amounts (Plus/Premium)
  • Bugfix: Unallocated Money adjustments for deleted envelopes & accounts (Plus/Premium)

Web Release: W1.16 (18-Aug-2011)

  • Added: Change monthly envelopes to irregular and vice versa
  • Added: Auto-suggest payee names for expense transactions
  • Added: Receive income and keep unallocated to distribute later (now all users)
  • Added: Schedule recurring expenses/credits, incomes, distributions, envelope transfers, and account transfers (Plus/Premium)
  • Added: Import bank statement as CSV in addition to OFX/QFX (Plus/Premium)
  • Added: Drag and drop imported transactions to frequently used envelopes (Plus/Premium)
  • Fixed: In IE9, drag and drop to match imported transactions and reconcile bank statements (Plus/Premium)

Device Release: (13-Jun-2011)

  • Added: Ability to select currency format on-device. Choose your currency symbol, decimal separator (. or ,) and number of digits to the right of the decimal point
  • Changed: some string handling, in preparation for language localization (Contact us if you have a translation you can help out with!)

Device Release:,

  • Changed: Envelopes with $0 budget show full green if have any money, full red if have negative money

Device Release: (02-May-2011)

  • Added: option to move to SD. Please note, however, that if you do this, you won’t be able to use the widget due to a current technical limitation in Android (see this article for details).
  • Added: animation when “sync’ing now”
  • Added: cursor for insertion point in calculator
  • Bugfix: issue on signup flow where post-registration back button dropped you back into signup
  • Bugfix: issues on signup flow where back button allowed for creating duplicate envelopes

Device Release: 1.6.2 (30-Mar-2011)

  • Option to delete preloaded payees
  • Bugfix: in some rare cases EEBA would stop syncing after deleting an envelope via device
  • Added: ability to send internal device database to support for troubleshooting when necessary

Web Release: W1.15 (24-Mar-2011)

  • Added: advance email to subscribers with upcoming yearly payments
  • Added: preference for auto-expanding Envelope Groups. Applies to Envelopes Overview, Budget Allocation and Expense Breakdown reports.
  • Added: Filter by status (cleared, reconciled, neither) on the Transaction History screen (Plus/Premium)
  • Added: ability to deactivate the “2 week” remembered logins
  • Fixed: sorting on the Envelopes Overview when using Groups
  • Fixed: Expense by Month report: which expenses were picked to show in graph, mobile display of legend
  • Fixed: Ability to edit the initial adjustment created when using “Fix This” (Plus/Premium)
  • Fixed: Recurring Expenses: Sort order issue when in DD/MM mode. Also changed default sort order.
  • Fixed: Tags that were immediately followed by a comma or semi-colon are no longer saved with the comma / semi-colon.

Device Release: (10-Mar-2011)

  • Added haptic feedback when using calculator (if you have haptic feedback enabled on your phone)
  • Bugfix: Add Money button wouldn’t update text when using calculator

Device Release: 1.6.1 (07-Mar-2011)

  • Added preference to use “classic” transactions list view
  • Added new permission that allows EEBA to finish syncing txns if you turn the screen off. Will not prevent device from actually sleeping.

Device Release: (22-Feb-2011)

  • Added preference to turn off calculator
  • Bugfix: non-decimal point locales truncate cents in calculator

Device Release: (18-Feb-2011)

  • Bugfix: Fix crash on Android OS 1.5 (Cupcake)

Device Release: 1.6.0 (17-Feb-2011)

  • In-app calculator
  • Option to Sync Now
  • Expanded Transaction list showing envelope and running balance in Envelopes and Accounts (Plus/Premium) views
  • Option to set Date order preference (m/d or d/m)
  • Timezone-awareness – fixes issue where dates on app and website looked different; primarily affected non-U.S. users

Web Release: W1.14 (04-Feb-2011)

  • Use computer’s local time when entering transactions on the web.  This fixes the issue where the default date was incorrect.
  • Additional timezone-related fixes coming in the next device release will fix the issue where the website shows some transactions a day earlier.
  • Support for d/m date formatting.  Set in My Account…Household Preferences.
  • “Remember Me” – stay logged into the website for up to two weeks.
  • Security: Fixed browser security warning on some reports pages.  (Replaced Google charts library)
  • Bugfix: iPad uses full website instead of mobile version.

Device Release: (16-Dec-2010)

  • Bugfix: Delete Quick Transactions. Previously Delete did nothing…
  • Bugfix: Rounding Error for transactions over 9,999.99. Transactions would look OK, and then on sync back down would be rounded to nearest .1 (Thanks, Brian!)
  • Bugfixes: some less common force closes affecting the widget when accessing an account or envelope that was deleted. Now those QuickTransactions no longer show.

Web Release: W1.13 (15-Dec-2010)

  • Running balances now displayed on Transaction History. This feature is active when one Envelope or Group is selected OR when one Account is selected. It is not active if tags are chosen or you are conducting a search for particular text / check number
  • Cleared Balance: now showing on Transaction History when one account selected and on the Accounts Overview page
  • Account Overview page: Subtotals added for Assets vs. Liabilities
  • Bugfix: Groups work better with characters like Ampersands, Slashes, Number sign
  • Bugfix: allow for no leading zero in amounts on entry
  • Bugfix: Status bar when budget is 0, no longer shows 100%

Device Release: (23-Nov-2010)

  • Fix Force Close error occurring even when EEBA does not appear to be running (background service which assists with sync)
  • Fix Editing Incomes when envelopes are hidden

Device Release: 1.5.0 (19-Nov-2010)

  • Major change to sync model to allow for syncing more items from app to site
  • Ability to manage envelopes, budgets, budgeting period via app
  • Allow for device-specific envelope order, hiding of envelopes
  • Configured Quick Transactions now sync’ed to server (could be restored to the same device if you happened to logout)
  • Incorporate budget period setting to sign up flow
  • Incorporate info about “ahead/behind” and how it’s calculated
  • Fixed calculation of ahead/behind to calculate based on *end of day* (versus beginning of day. Fixed logic for weekly and semi-monthly.

Web Release: W1.12 (19-Nov-2010)

  • Clearing transactions directly from Transaction History
  • API changes to support syncing more from device

Web Release: W1.11 (20-Oct-2010)

  • Improvements to income: Support for Unallocated Income, sweep envelope, specify total income amount
  • OFX/QFX transaction import and intelligent matching (Users with Accounts activated)

Web Release: W1.10 (7-Oct-2010)

  • Improved transaction history display
  • Split details on transaction download
  • Improved subscription upgrades (immediate)
  • Overdraft warning on recurring expenses
  • Additional emails: on recurring payment, subscription expire
  • Variety of bugfixes