Welcome to Goodbudget 201: Budget with a Why

Week 1 | GB 201: Budget With a Why

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Welcome to Budget with a Why! We’re excited you’re here, and we’re excited to go on this money journey with you.

Over these next five courses, we’ll walk you through creating a budget with purpose. From figuring out what’s important to you, all the way to inspiring you to think of ways you can live out your values. Because budgeting is more than just dollars and cents, and we think you probably agree.

To get you thinking just a bit, check out the mini-assignment below, and let us know where you want to go on your money journey.


Today’s Mini-Assignment

We sat down with some budgeters, and asked them where they want to go financially. Here’s what they said:

“Up. I’d like to go up, which means having more money. I think of a growth chart, like my kids have at the doctor’s office, and I want to check in and see how it’s doing.” Paul, father of three.
“When I hear that, it sounds like a relationship. I want to go places with money, like literally travel.” Kendall, fabulously child-free.
“I think of ‘enough.’ I don’t want to have to think about it as much, not every day.” Matt, thinking about moving.
“Somewhere free, not like I don’t have to pay, but like a feeling of freedom. Thinking about being debt-free, that’s where I want to go.” Karisa, paying off student loans

Okay, now your turn! When it comes to you and money, where do you want to go? Let us know in the comments below!

Happy budgeting,
-The Goodbudget Team

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121 thoughts on “Welcome to Goodbudget 201: Budget with a Why”

  1. For when it comes to money i want to learn how to budget my money in my envelops so I don’t overspend my envelops.

  2. I’d like to more aggressively track every dollar so that I can be more efficient in saving for our expanding family.

  3. I’m newly retired with a mortgage. I want to budget so that I can stay in my home and still have enough to help others.

  4. I’d like to learn where I can lean out my spending and apply it to investing and saving for retirement. I also want to be more modest in my spending just for the sense of satisfaction; moving toward a simpler lifestyle.

  5. I’d like to be bale to pay all my bills on time and still being able to buy the things for our home, for my family and for myself, and still be able to give back or share with others.

  6. I would like to save for a 1 month cushion, pay off my credit cards to less than 5% balance every pay check, save for a new car down payment, create a savings envelope for my student loan payments once they resume in the start of 2021.


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