Happy One Month!

Week 5 | Day 25 | GB 101: Budget Bootcamp

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You’ve been tracking your spending for about a month now. Great job! Building this habit is key, and while it might feel like a lot of work right now, it gets way, way easier over time. You might be soaring high on your accomplishments. But in our experience, we know that life often gets in the way too. When that happens, it’s easy to forget to log transactions. We’re here to help you get back on track.

Today’s Assignment

  1. If you know you’ve forgotten to add some transactions, don’t beat yourself up! This is all a learning experiment. And the cool part is you always have the opportunity to go back and add transactions that you missed earlier. So do that now!
  2. Add any transactions you’ve missed. Protip: If you have a handful of transactions to add, do this on the website so you can use the ‘Save & New’ button on the Add Transaction screen to more easily add multiple transactions in a row. How cool is that?
  3. As you add your spending from the week, think about things you might try to help you add transactions on a more regular basis, and share your tips with the group in the comments below.

Note for couples: If one of you tends to keep closer track of details, that person can import transactions for both of you. You’ll still be able to look back on the spending and gain insights together.

Happy budgeting,
-The Goodbudget Team

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2 thoughts on “Happy One Month!”

  1. When I go grocery shopping or pay for things at other brick-and-mortar stores, I don’t like holding up checkout lines. So I don’t usually input my transactions into Goodbudget IMMEDIATELY, but I usually try to take a moment to input the transaction on my phone once I exit the store. Sometimes, when I’m in a hurry, I don’t get to it right then either, but when I get home at the end of the day I try to gather whatever receipts I have from the day and input them then.


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