Celebrate Good Times, Come On!

Week 5 | Day 28 | GB 101: Budget Bootcamp

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This is the second to last day of the course! That went fast, right? You’ve accomplished so much in this past month. And we want you to spend some time reflecting on those accomplishments and celebrating what you’ve done.

Here’s what Sandra shared with us when we asked her what she was proud of when she looks back on her budgeting experience.

“I’m proud of working with my spouse so we both know exactly how much money we have, where it’s gone and where it’s going”

Arianna, another friend of Goodbudget, said,

“I am very proud of my decision to start budgeting. It’s definitely changed my view on finances. I’ve been able to save enough money for trips, events, large expenses, and other things that I wouldn’t have been able to do if I didn’t budget.”

Now, your turn!

Today’s Assignment

  1. Look back at what you’ve accomplished! You’ve created a budget from scratch. You gave money to causes you care about, and so much more. Don’t forget to share your budgeting accomplishments with your budget partner so they can celebrate with you!
  2. Reflect on what you’ve learned about your spending, saving, and giving habits. How might that help you understand what’s important to you?
  3. Share what you’re most proud of trying or learning in the comments.

Note for couples: Share your reflections with each other. What are you learning about what’s important to your partner? What do you have in common? And where do you differ? Consider how you’ll make room for each other as you keep budgeting together as a team.

Happy budgeting,
-The Goodbudget Team

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2 thoughts on “Celebrate Good Times, Come On!”

  1. I’m most proud of talking about my money decisions with other people and breaking the stigma around these kinds of conversations!

  2. This course helped me to realize how important family is to me. That I do set a good amount of my budget towards experiences that nurture and sustain family relationships.


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