Welcome to Budget Bootcamp

Week 1 | Day 1 | GB 101: Budget Bootcamp

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Welcome to Goodbudget 101: Budget Bootcamp! We’re so excited for you to start this new budgeting journey — one where you’ll create a budget that works for you. And along the way you’ll build habits and learn techniques that will help you live out your budget for the rest of your life.

Now, we’re all starting from different places financially, but we’re all working towards the same goal… making a budget that works. We believe you can make and *keep* a budget. This budget will be your guide to help you spend on what’s important, save for big expenses, and give generously.

Over the next 29 days you’ll receive bite-sized assignments that are practical, reflective and relational and they’re all designed to help you create your new budget utilizing the envelope budgeting method (if you don’t know what that is, learn about it on our website and on YouTube). You can expect to spend about 5 to 10 minutes doing most of the assignments. Every so often there’ll be a longer assignment that will take about 30 minutes. Let’s get started.

Today’s Assignment

  1. Make a plan for when and where you’d like to do these assignments. Will you spend time working on them at the kitchen table after the kids are in bed, or early in the morning over coffee before everyone gets up? Will you do the assignments for the week all in one day, or divvy them up throughout the week? Deciding this ahead of time will give you a better shot at completing these assignments.
  2. Comment below and let us know when and where you’re planning to do your homework.  Plus, share what you’re excited about learning in this course — and why.

Note for couples: If you share money with someone else, like your spouse, invite them to take this course with you.  By working together, you’ll be able to build a solid budget that actually works — for both of you.

That’s it for today! We look forward to seeing you in the next assignment.

Happy budgeting,
-The Goodbudget Team

P.S. If you’re currently experiencing a financial emergency, either from taking a pay cut, receiving a large medical bill, or something else, GB 911: Crash Course might be a better fit. There, you’ll learn how to make quick changes to your budget so that you can survive in the short term, adapt to your financial situation, and thrive down the road.

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804 thoughts on “Welcome to Budget Bootcamp”

  1. Early in the morning is best for me. I am really looking forward to improving the way i spend money bcz it just seems to vanish into thin air.

  2. I will be doing this after dinner. I am interested in how to keep track of my finances in a more responsible way so that I can stop living paycheck to paycheck

  3. After dinner. After 25 years of staying home with my children, I’m back into the working world, well at least work with a paycheck. My husband handles the home financing. This is for me-how to budget my financial endeavors.

  4. During the weekdays, after dinner and on the weekends in the morning with my coffee. I want to learn to be better at budgeting and saving, be smarter about spending money

  5. I will probably work on it after my kids go to bed. I am excited to create a budget I can stick with and to help me pay off my student loans.

  6. I will work on them in the evening for ten minutes. I’ll probably set my alarm because it is really busy now, but I want to make sure I get it done. I am excited that this will help me get organized.

  7. I’m excited to get a better hold on my money and know exactly where it is going instead of just carelessly spending. I hope to fit these daily assignments in before work but everyday is different so I won’t have a definite time

  8. I plan to do them in the evening and more of them at once. I’m pretty good at saving my money in general, but I’d like to get a better sense of making separate budgets.

  9. I’m great at making a plan…but terrible at sticking with it! I am hoping to learn more about how to set not only a good budget but one that is flexible and can meet my needs!

  10. Sundays’ are best for me to complete the assignments because this the one day I take to myself. I will do my best to be consistent with scheduling every Sunday for Goodbudget to become more skillful in my budgeting.

  11. My time would be daily around 6pm CST. My friend told me about this app. I just took over the family finances and am excited to build a savings and get on the budgeting train! Paying cash for vacations and large purchases and being debt free here we come!

  12. I am really looking forward to actually learning how to handle money! This is something I wish was taught in school then I wouldnt feel so lost. Excited to start taking control over money!

  13. I’ll be working on my budget most days in the afternoon. Although I have been muddling along with a budget for a long time, I would like to learn anything I can to handle my finances better.

  14. After dinner. I’ll aim to.do all the weekly assignments in one go. I’m looking forward to knowing what we have to play with and controlling it much better

  15. I’m going to do these after work.
    I thought I had a good budget but it’s just not working and I really need to be able to manage my money better.

  16. I will be doing this after dinner probably in bed. I would like to learn to control my spending and stop living paycheck to paycheck to stop stressing.

  17. I think after work with my spouse would be best for us. I can’t rely on him to be able to do it on his own. This way we can learn together and get out of debt once and for all in 2021! Very excited about learning this system.

  18. I will do these early in the morning as I am finishing breakfast.

    I am excited to build a budget I can share with my spouse.

  19. Happy holidays all

    I don’t know when I will be able to tackle the assignments

    But a highlight of what I want to accomplish is to migrate my record keeping from my datebook to my phone, record spending by category, and eyeball how much remains in each category during each 2 week pay period:

    Advice welcome.

  20. I believe early in the morning is going to work best for me, I am hoping to be able to do a couple lessons a few times a week instead of daily


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