Spend on Joy

Week 3 | Day 15 | GB 101: Budget Bootcamp

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Welcome back! Yesterday, you planned to spend on an expense that brings you joy. Today, we’re going to make the purchase. Are you as excited as we are?

Today’s Assignment

  1. Make some time today to go out and make your fun purchase. Enjoy it! (Can’t fit it in your schedule today?  Put it on your calendar for some time in the next few days at a time that works for you.)
  2. What made it fun for you? Comment below and let us know.

Note for couples: Share with your partner about what you enjoyed. Chi-En, our Budgeter-in-Chief, really got on board with her husband’s Fun budget when she saw how much life it brought him.

Happy budgeting,
-The Goodbudget Team

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3 thoughts on “Spend on Joy”

  1. I went out to dinner with a friend, which was fun because we got to catch up and focus on our conversation with each other, and we didn’t have to worry about making dinner or cleaning up ourselves!


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