Gratitude Begets Generosity

Week 4 | Day 18 | GB 101: Budget Bootcamp

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This week, we’re focusing on generosity, because there’s more to money than keeping it for ourselves. We believe giving shapes us into grateful, generous people. It teaches us how to value people over money and see outside of ourselves.

And true generosity starts with gratitude — we give because we recognize how others have been generous with us.

Our friend Dale shared with us why he decided to make space for giving.

“[My wife and I] decided when we were first married that we would try to give away 20 percent of our discretionary money. We wanted to be generous and to give to others out of what God has given us.”

Among people of every faith or no faith at all, examples of generosity are all around us.

Today’s Assignment

  1. Reflect. What’s one thing you’re grateful for today? What makes that thing possible?
  2. Express your gratitude. This could mean telling your budgeting partner what you’re grateful for. Or it could mean writing a note to someone you’re grateful to.
  3. What came up for you?What did you think or feel when you expressed your gratitude out loud? Share your thoughts with the community in the comments below!

Happy budgeting,
-The Goodbudget Team

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8 thoughts on “Gratitude Begets Generosity”

  1. I’m grateful for my amazing friends and community that support me through celebrations and sorrows. I just wrote a note to a friend telling her how grateful I am for her friendship, and I felt really happy to be able to share that with her!

  2. Identifying what I’m grateful made me realize how blessed I am. And that I am indeed part of a community that uplifts one another and helps each other out.

  3. I am so grateful for my Catholic faith and the support and comfort my faith has given me in dealing with a move, hubby’s retirement and new money concerns, but that is why I am here.

  4. It’s documented that those who give to charities financially, are financially better budgeters and financially better off.

  5. I am grateful for my life and everything in it. My husband and I try to give every chance we can to help others whether in little ways or in big ways.


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