What Did You Notice This Week?

Week 4 | Day 23 | GB 101: Budget Bootcamp

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Sometimes we believe the lie that budgeting well means not spending on nonessentials. And that’s why budgets often fail. I mean, who can actually do that? Definitely not us. It is 100% okay, and even good, to spend and give when it’s within our budget.

Today’s Assignment

  1. Notice your giving. Were you able to give generously and still stay on budget with your other Envelopes, like Fun, Rent, and Savings? Why or why not? What adjustments could you make to be able to give generously and still stay on budget?
  2. Share your thoughts on your giving habits with your fellow budgeters in the comments. Did you notice anything about your giving habits through this week?

Note for couples: Also notice your giving habits as a couple. Do you tend to give together or separately? Is one of you more involved in giving than the other? Remember, there’s no need to judge. It’s just helpful to notice and get on the same page about it.

Happy budgeting,
-The Goodbudget Team

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5 thoughts on “What Did You Notice This Week?”

  1. Because of my dedicated Giving Envelope, I was able to give generously this week and still stay on budget with all of my other envelopes! I felt free to give without worrying about how that would affect my other responsibilities, and that felt good!

  2. For me, this section on Giving has made the most dramatic change. I always want to give, but haven’t always felt like I had the money available at the moment I see a giving opportunity. Now I have an envelope for giving, and know those funds will be available as I see the need. Thank you for this.

  3. Having an envelope with the name “Giving” with a set amount has helped me be more generous (smiley face). I know that money is set aside for giving and I look for ways to give it. This makes me pretty happy. Before I always wondered if I could afford to give and how much to give. This settles those questions. So all I need to do is give..


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